Stephanie A. Caradonna, MD
University of Florida
Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society - 1998
Phi Beta Kappa - Early Election - 1994
Anderson Scholar - Outstanding academic achievement - 1993
Professional Society Memberships:
American Academy of Dermatology
Women's Dermatologic Society
American Society of Dermatologic Surgeons
Florida Medical Association
Sarasota Medical Society
American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery
Type of practice: Dermatology
Adult and pediatric dermatology, dermatologic surgery, cosmetic dermatology
Hospital Privileges:
Sarasota Memorial Hospital and Venice Regional Medical Center
Caradonna, SA., Skidmoe, R., Gupta, A., Bush, CH., Ford, MJ. Giant congenital melanocytic nevus with underlying soft tissue hypoplasia of the subcutaneous fat. Pediatric Dermatology. 17(5): 387-390, 2000 Sept-Oct.
Williams, WL., Caradonna, SA., Skidmore, RA. Surgical pearl: the Red Rubber Robinson bolster in cutaneous surgery. JAAD. 41(1): 78-79, 1999 Jul.
Shenefelt, PD., Rinker, M., Caradonna, SA. A case of angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia treated with intralesional interferon alfa-2a. Archives of Dermatology. 136 (7): 837-39, 2000 Jul.
Caradonna, SA. And Jacobe, H. Thalidomide: A potential treatment for scleromyxedema. Archives of Dermatology. 2004; 140:277-280

- University of North Carolina Hill Dermatology residency 2000 - 2003
- University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville Medicine Internship 1999 - 2000
- University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville M.D. - with Honors 1995 - 1999
- University of Florida
B.S. Neurobiological sciences - with highest honors
B.S. Psychology - with highest honors
1991 - 1995